We code the web

Async ... await in Javascript

We’ve all been through callback hell, maybe we use Promises and Observables to get some relief. Will async await liberate us once and for all?

Handling async in Redux with Sagas

Using Redux is a nice way to code structured, testable Javascript applications. But there’s still one thing that can prove to be a challenge, asynchronous operations.

Immutable Javascript using ES6 and beyond

Writing immutable Javascript code is a good practice. There are some awesome libraries around like Immutable.js to help you with this. But could we survive with just vanilla, next generation Javascript?

React 0.14's coolest feature: function components

React 0.14 introduced some cool additions, one of them is a more simple way to create components. This is one of those nifty little features that makes developers happy :-).

Flux, what and why?

If you are into front-end development, you’ve probably heard or read the term ‘Flux’. What does it mean and why should you care?

Meta programming with ES6 Proxies

Proxies are one of the lesser known functionalities in EcmaScript 6. This is for a reason, they will probably not become your staple exercise in coding Javascript applications. But they are quite cool!

Var, let or const, what to use?

The Javascript world has grown, a lot. Instead of a simple scripting language, it is now used as a full blown programming language for the web. Not to forget it’s server side capabilities with NodeJS. ECMAScript 6 brings some features to make Javascript a more ‘mature’ language. A good example is the new let and const variable types.

ES6 Destructuring

Destructuring must be my favorite feature of ECMAScript 6. I don’t exactly know why, I guess I just like the simplicity. It makes your code more clean and declarative.